Message from the President
Dear friends, colleagues, and audiences,
We are very happy and proud to bring to you the 2nd edition of Colours of the Nile International Film Festival (CONIFF). The successful inaugural of CONIFF in November 2012 was a major inspiration and energy for our passionate and dedicated team.
CONIFF’s main objectives are popularising African cinema and fostering cooperation among African film industry professionals. CONIFF is also a platform to bring African cinema to the African audience.
Despite its age, CONIFF is a festival with an ambitious vision and a unique identity. From the very beginning CONIFF recognized and captured the shifting paradigm in African cinema that is brought forward by extremely talented young African filmmakers. At the same time the festival upheld and celebrated the legacy and wisdom of the founders of African cinema.
Based in the diplomatic capital of Africa, Addis Ababa, CONIFF is well placed not only to uplift the cultural profile of the city but also to convey the important message that cinema is a powerful instrument for Africa’s unity and renaissance.
This year’s edition of CONIFF guided by the artistic vision of the renowned film consultant and curator June Givanni aspires to open a new window to dive into the captivating yet unexplored world of African cinema.
I would like to thank our partners and sponsors for their farsighted vision and for believing in our cause. The festival is very grateful for the support and guidance of the institutions, government ministries and individuals that gave their unreserved support. I would also like to thank CONIFF’s artistic director June Givanni and the rest of the festival team for their hard work and dedication.
You are invited to enjoy a week long cinematic extravaganza.
Abraham Haile Biru
Colours of the Nile International Film Festival